Does the antibiotics cypro cause your urine to change colors

What does it mean if your urine is.
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Does the antibiotics cypro cause your urine to change colors
Does the antibiotics cypro cause your urine to change colors
Is there ammonia in urine? - Yahoo!.25.10.2006 · Best Answer: You are dehydrated and may have an infection. Try drinking lots of water to flush it through . If its suddenly changed or has a smell or burns

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Causes of Prostatitis: Do Bacteria cause Chronic Prostatitis? Keywords: Bacteria, antibiotics, causes, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, E coli, Cipro, Bactrim, gram
21.01.2009 · Best Answer: Actually, there is not ammonia in urine, even though everyone seems to think there is. Ammonia is found in our bodies but only momentarily. It
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What is abnormal appearing urine? A person with abnormal appearing urine has an unusual change in urine color. Red or pink urine may indicate the presence of blood in
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